File Informations

Attribute Value
MD5 cb1c423268b1373bde8a03f36f66b495
SHA-1 892cd69f889b25cb8dc11b0ac75c330b6329e937
SHA-256 74b5e2d90daaf96657e4d3d800bb20bf189bb2cf487479ea0facaf6182e0d1d3
Vhash 025056655d55556168z62hz23z25z17z
Authentihash 2f501607eb83caf5717582322f71d41bcaba9e09b77b92f6d18e799df9cfa5c9
Imphash 8c15953665973cafd1715edd2e4e4284
Rich PE header hash 7d99edfc296eafb08183fdaa6bd1eb5c
SSDEEP 3072:TnS2/1r4wpzL3VCZUFJLkZKKQ2+cGIAiSnIFK0vzEwYfidYjXzxeyYZwx4iE:7S6r4EzLUCzkFQOG7iSnIRYKKDx/E
TLSH T11634BF11B480D431D5F30D7697F89B7ADA3EB630171496EB53D4062ADE243E2B23EA1B
File type - Win32 EXE
Magic PE32 executable (GUI) Intel 80386, for MS Windows
TrID Win64 Executable (generic) (32.2%) - Win32 Dynamic Link Library (generic) (20.1%) - Win16 NE executable (generic) (15.4%) - Win32 Executable (generic) (13.7%) - OS/2 Executable (generic) (6.2%)
DetectItEasy PE32 - Compiler: EP:Microsoft Visual C/C++ (2017 v.15.5-6) [EXE32] - Compiler: Microsoft Visual C/C++ (19.16.27049) [C] Linker: Microsoft Linker (14.16.27049) - Tool: Visual Studio (2017 version 15.9)
File size 238.01 KB (243727 bytes)

Operation of the malware

There are three main parts in the malware.

push    ebp
mov     ebp, esp
push    esi
mov     esi, [ebp+argv]
push    0               ; nCmdShow
push    dword ptr [esi] ; lpWindowName
push    offset ClassName ; "ConsoleWindowClass"
call    ds:FindWindowA
push    eax             ; hWnd
call    ds:ShowWindow
mov     eax, [esi]
mov     lpFileName, eax
call    sub_2C30D0          ; First Part (Setup of Malware)
call    sub_2C3340          ; Second Part (Infection of files)
call    sub_2C2F40          ; Third part (Cleaning of Malware)

First Part (Setup of Malware)

Deletion of shadow copies


This command is used to delete shadow copies on a Windows system. Shadow copies are snapshots of files or volumes that can be created by the Windows operating system to enable file restoration if needed.

Specifically, the command cmd /c "wmic shadowcopy delete /nointeractive" is a Windows command that uses the WMIC (Windows Management Instrumentation Command-line) tool to delete all shadow copies without prompting the user for confirmation (/nointeractive). This means it removes these shadow copies without requiring user confirmation, which can be useful in scripts or automated tasks where user interaction is not desired.

Empty the Recycle Bin

The malware will empty the Recycle Bin using the SHEmptyRecycleBinA API.


The SHEmptyRecycleBinA API is part of the Windows Shell library and is used to empty the Recycle Bin. This function can be called with various parameters to control its behavior. Possible values for dwFlags include a combination of the following flags:

  • SHERB_NOCONFIRMATION (0x00000001): No confirmation dialog is shown before emptying the Recycle Bin.
  • SHERB_NOPROGRESSUI (0x00000002): No progress dialog is shown during the emptying process.
  • SHERB_NOSOUND (0x00000004): No sound is played when the operation is complete.

Usage with dwFlags = 7

When the value 7 is used for dwFlags, it means that the following three flags are combined:


In other words, using dwFlags = 7 will:

  1. Not show a confirmation dialog: The Recycle Bin will be emptied without asking for user confirmation.
  2. Not show a progress dialog: There will be no dialog indicating the progress of the operation.
  3. Not play a sound: No sound will be played once the operation is complete.

ICON file creation

The malware will first create an icon that will be used for files with the encrypted part’s extension: (.3fe57B660)



Associate ICON with .3fe57B660 files

The malware will add values to the registry to associate the previously created icon with files ending in ‘.3fe57B660’.




BAT file creation

It will then create the file 1.bat in the C:\ProgramData folder.


This script repeatedly pings the local host ( to create a delay, then forcefully terminates several processes related to SQL, Oracle, MySQL, Chrome, Veeam, Firefox, Excel, MS Access, OneNote, Outlook, PowerPoint, Word, and the Windows Update client. It continuously loops back to the beginning to repeat these actions indefinitely.



void sub_2C33F0()
  FILE *v0; // ebx
  int v1; // eax
  const char *v2; // esi
  const void *v3; // edi
  char *v4; // ecx
  CHAR SubKey[100]; // [esp+Ch] [ebp-D4h] BYREF
  BYTE Data[100]; // [esp+70h] [ebp-70h] BYREF
  DWORD dwDisposition; // [esp+D4h] [ebp-Ch] BYREF
  HKEY phkResult; // [esp+D8h] [ebp-8h] BYREF
  size_t ElementCount; // [esp+DCh] [ebp-4h] BYREF

  memset(SubKey, 0, sizeof(SubKey));
  memset(Data, 0, sizeof(Data));
  ElementCount = 0;
  v0 = fopen("C:\\ProgramData\\icon.ico", "wb");
  v1 = sub_2D05B0(dword_2FE0EC, dword_2FE0EC, "ico", 0, 0, 1);
  v2 = (const char *)sub_2C1990(v1);
  sub_2C8A50(0, 0, &ElementCount, v2, strlen(v2));
  v3 = (const void *)sub_2C1960(ElementCount);
  sub_2C8A50(v3, ElementCount, &ElementCount, v2, strlen(v2));
  fwrite(v3, 1u, ElementCount, v0);
  sub_2C2680(SubKey, ".%ls", lpWideCharStr);
  sub_2C2680(Data, "%lsfile", lpWideCharStr);
  RegCreateKeyExA(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, SubKey, 0, 0, 0, 0xF003Fu, 0, &phkResult, &dwDisposition);
  RegSetValueExA(phkResult, 0, 0, 1u, Data, strlen((const char *)Data));
  v4 = &SubKey[99];
  while ( *++v4 )
  strcpy(v4, "\\DefaultIcon");
  RegCreateKeyExA(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, (LPCSTR)Data, 0, 0, 0, 0xF003Fu, 0, &phkResult, &dwDisposition);
  RegSetValueExA(phkResult, 0, 0, 1u, "C:\\ProgramData\\icon.ico", 0x17u);
  SHChangeNotify(0x8000000, 0, 0, 0);

Second Part (Infection of files)

Infection des fichiers

The malware will search for files. When it finds one, it will assign it the status of a normal file (80h). Then it will attempt to rename it with the extension ‘.3fe57B660’.


If successful, it will open the new file :


It will position itself at the beginning of the file to read it :


Here is an analysis of what the code is doing:

  1. Setting the File Pointer:
    mov     esi, eax
    mov     eax, [ebp+lpNewFileName]
    push    0                   ; dwMoveMethod
    lea     edx, [ebp+lpNewFileName]
    push    edx                 ; lpNewFileName
    push    eax                 ; lpDistanceToMoveHigh
    push    esi                 ; lDistanceToMove
    push    edi                 ; hFile
    push    0                   ; lpOverlapped
    call    ds:SetFilePointer

This section of the code is moving the file pointer to a specific location in a file. The parameters passed are:

  • dwMoveMethod: The method for moving the file pointer (0 for FILE_BEGIN).
  • lpNewFileName: A pointer to the new file name (used here for an unknown purpose).
  • lpDistanceToMoveHigh and lDistanceToMove: High and low parts of the distance to move.
  • hFile: Handle to the file.
  • lpOverlapped: Overlapped structure (0 for synchronous operation).
  1. Reading from the File:
lea     eax, [ebp+NumberOfBytesRead]
push    eax                 ; lpNumberOfBytesRead
lea     eax, [ebp+var_24]
push    eax                 ; nNumberOfBytesToRead
push    ebx                 ; lpBuffer
push    edi                 ; hFile
call    ds:ReadFile

This part of the code is reading from the file:

  • lpNumberOfBytesRead: Pointer to the number of bytes read.
  • nNumberOfBytesToRead: Number of bytes to read.
  • lpBuffer: Buffer to store the read data.
  • hFile: Handle to the file.
  1. Some Intermediate Operation (sub_4045F0):

call sub_4045F0

The purpose of this function call is not clear without the definition of sub_4045F0. It likely processes the read data or performs some other operation.

  1. Writing to the File:
lea     eax, [ebp+NumberOfBytesWritten]
push    eax                 ; lpNumberOfBytesWritten
lea     eax, [ebp+var_1C]
push    eax                 ; nNumberOfBytesToWrite
push    esi                 ; lpBuffer
push    edi                 ; hFile
call    ds:WriteFile

This section writes to the file:

  • lpNumberOfBytesWritten: Pointer to the number of bytes written.
  • nNumberOfBytesToWrite: Number of bytes to write.
  • lpBuffer: Buffer containing the data to write.
  • hFile: Handle to the file.
  1. Comparison and Conditional Operation:
mov     ecx, [ebp+Size]
cmp     ecx, [ebp+var_1C]

This part compares the size of something (Size) with another value (var_1C). The subsequent operations would depend on the result of this comparison.


The code performs the following sequence of operations:

  1. Moves the file pointer.
  2. Reads data from the file.
  3. Calls a function (sub_4045F0), likely for processing.
  4. Writes data to the file.
  5. Compares two values for a subsequent conditional operation.

This assembly code seems to be part of a program that manipulates file data, possibly copying or modifying it based on certain conditions. The exact behavior would depend on the details of the sub_4045F0 function and the values being compared and manipulated.

Third part (Cleaning of Malware)

Clear logs and reboot


The malware opens event logs for applications, system, and security, erases them, and then closes them.


The malware terminates all running processes of cmd.exe and conhost.exe. It will wait for 2 seconds (2000 ms). Then it will delete the file.

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